Friday, July 23, 2010

Green can lead to hepatitis

As early as September 2004, the United States, Georgia, North Carolina and Tennessee once had 280 people infected with hepatitis. To the end of October, Pennsylvania, a large-scale outbreak of hepatitis A outbreak. In less than a month time, the state had more than 600 people contracted hepatitis A, and 3 deaths.
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Summer the most terrible diseases coming!
Addiction to pray with you the key to postpartum weight loss five major vices steal your beautiful slim Ten Mistakes existence as early as September 2004, the United States, Georgia, North Carolina and Tennessee, 280 people had already contracted hepatitis. To the end of October, Pennsylvania, a large-scale outbreak of hepatitis A outbreak. In less than a month time, the state had more than 600 people contracted hepatitis A, and 3 deaths.

Face of the sudden outbreak of hepatitis A, United States Centre for Disease Control and Prevention launched an investigation immediately, and will soon be looking at the lock near the city of Pittsburgh, a Mexican restaurant chain on. Reportedly, the state of all hepatitis patients have been to this called "odd-odd home" restaurant meal, but the restaurant's 60 employees also have 10 people contracted hepatitis. In addition, investigators in the epidemic of hepatitis A in Georgia and carried out the survey also found that all patients have eaten foods containing green onions in Mexico. Accordingly, the investigators basically determined that green onions imported from Mexico caused the United States hepatitis A outbreak is the "culprit."

In Mexico, the green is a very popular food ingredients, similar to China's onions. Americans in the mixed salad, with points like raw green onions. In this regard, the United States Pennsylvania State University food expert Professor Laborde, lush planting, food method and layered structure, are to become the best spread of hepatitis virus carriers. Mexican farmers grow green, if using manure or contaminated irrigation water, bacteria may enter the lush layered body. People eat, only to peel it off one layer can be cleaned and fully cooked to kill bacteria.

A person can suffer from different hepatitis do

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Summer the most terrible diseases coming!
Addiction to pray with you the key to postpartum weight loss five major vices steal your beautiful slim Ten Mistakes presence of different viral hepatitis is caused by different viruses, such as hepatitis A virus hepatitis A, hepatitis B virus type hepatitis. Different hepatitis viruses have different structures, different sizes, different resistance to the outside world, infected people are also different ways. Between the virus and the virus and no apparent interaction, as the two know each other invaders, together with a village invaded, burning and looting, taking what it needs. Subjectively know each other, and objectively each other embarrassed. The immune system is different viruses were identified, even had a certain resistance to the virus, but for several other viruses still can not defend the attack. So, one can simultaneously infected with several different viruses, can have several different types of virus infection. Body infected with the virus only produce identification and immunity, but have not been infected by the virus can still drive straight. For example, we have seen in clinical practice because of large quantities of blood transfusion in a patient suffering from hepatitis B and C, and once because of unsanitary food, but also simultaneously infected with two kinds of viral infection by the digestive tract, namely, hepatitis A and E hepatitis. In this way, the patient in the same time, there are four kinds of in vivo virus. Hepatitis B is a high incidence in China, a long-term hepatitis B virus in patients carry more than 100 million people up. Many patients with chronic hepatitis B sudden malaise, jaundice, elevated aminotransferases, several dry unit, fever, tired of greasy, when hepatitis B is often considered another attack. But after a hospital, they discover that it has combined hepatitis A or hepatitis E D. Hepatitis A or hepatitis E course is very short, usually 1-2 months can be largely recovered. Sure enough, a month after the patient is completely normal transaminases, jaundice, symptoms completely disappeared. So damage to the liver mainly by the new combined hepatitis A or hepatitis E caused. There are many examples like this, so even got a kind of hepatitis, but also preparedness may be other several other hepatitis. Similarly, injection of a vaccine, can provide no such hepatitis, but not several other people to prevent hepatitis.

Anti-cold, such as hepatitis A general alert

Fluctuating temperatures, frequent rain, alternating winter and spring season in Shanghai this year, especially love "torment." Water monitoring experts, in such weather conditions, air humidity, bacteria quickly, easily infected with acute hepatitis. Experts reminded the public that winter and spring, the community is to prevent hepatitis A and hepatitis E infection eating away at the same time not to eat raw fish and vegetables.
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Summer the most terrible diseases coming!
Addiction to pray with you postpartum weight loss 5 major key steal your beautiful slim abuse there do not eat half of the vegetables Ten Mistakes

Why particularly susceptible to hepatitis Dining Out? Experts, many places in China, fertilization not been used to kill living pathogenic fecal processing, the vegetables after the application of such fertilizer, which may contain the virus HIV, hepatitis and thus easily spread hepatitis. In addition to vegetables and other foods, the water was contaminated utensils may also cause disseminated infections, and frequent outbreaks of infection.

However, these viruses can easily be inactivated by heating, loss of infectious. Therefore, people eat out as much as possible not to inadequate sanitation, restaurant, or try not to eat raw or undercooked vegetables.

Guard against "flu-like"

Experts say early in patients with hepatitis A and hepatitis E are often fever, fatigue, loss of appetite symptoms, because these symptoms similar to flu, which many patients come to treatment only when the common cold, not only delay the treatment, also increased the possibility of infecting others sex. Experts therefore recommend to eat cooked food, not raw fish and vegetables, washing hands can prevent hepatitis A and hepatitis E; the same time, eaten raw after a period of time unexplained fever, liver pain and other symptoms, we must go to the hospital in time do liver function tests.

Hepatitis spread through the digestive tract, contagious, people are generally susceptible. Therefore, through the hepatitis A vaccine or immune globulin hepatitis A vaccination can improve people's immunity is an effective way to establish the immune barrier.

Hepatitis A is a point spread of the source even the menu

Today, Changsha, friends and family together, eating out at every turn, does not know that restaurants are high-risk areas gastrointestinal disease transmission. According to a survey of Eighty per cent of the hotel was never to the point menu of small and medium disinfected. Even in some large hotels, ordering books on disinfection and no sense of sound. Experts remind that, when dining out, such as not pay attention to food hygiene, then the likelihood of contracting hepatitis A is very high.
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Summer the most terrible diseases coming!
Addiction to pray with you 5 major key habits to lose weight postpartum steal your beautiful slim Ten Mistakes of hepatitis A often wears the existence of a "cold" while

Looking back now it was "cold," Mr. Hou has also a lingering fear.

Mr. Hou Chinese New Year gathering with friends and family often now. As the irregular lifestyle, he developed a fever a week ago, Mr. Hou thought it was a cold, not too concerned that more water and rest on the hook. But these two days there abdominal pain, bloating symptoms, whole body fatigue, serious when knees felt weak, had the hospital for treatment. Test results showed that Mr. Hou is not cold, but got a hepatitis epidemic.

Study of Liver Diseases with many years of clinical experience in the Provincial People's Hospital Liver specialist Hu Xiaoxuan introduction, most of the patients had hepatitis, as did Mr. Hou, there will be a high fever, loss of appetite, malaise and other symptoms. Therefore, early hepatitis often be mistaken for a cold, easily misdiagnosed, bungled condition.

"Early cold symptoms of hepatitis, patients often misleading, and many people think of the time to check liver function, liver area are often not comfortable there." Dr Hu said, "If in life fever, fatigue, yellow urine, tired oil symptoms can go to the hospital to check liver function is normal, there may be suffering from a high incidence of hepatitis A in the spring. "

Restaurant menu worrying health

For people who frequently eat out, following this set of data may be to your mind you.

Shanghai Huangpu District Health Authority catering units in the region 30 a la carte sampling of 150 registered for testing found that the health status of the menu point is not optimistic. Each point of the menu based on the total number of bacteria detected two samples, two samples of coliform bacteria, and the reference to "public places, cleaning and disinfection of public goods determine the standard" test found that exceeded the total number of bacteria-positive rate of 22.67%, positive rate of coliform bacteria exceeded 7%, exceeding the total positive rate of 14.83%.

"What point of the menu need to eliminate toxic? We never sterilized! With the old, and the for-Bai!" When the Authority asked the staff whether the disinfection point menu when a waiter answered confidently so. Handled a large number of these every day, not to be sterilized point menu, usually used for up to six months to two years.

Will you then be too hepatitis?

Hepatitis caused by the hepatitis A virus.
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Summer the most terrible diseases coming!
Addiction to pray with you 5 major key to weight loss postpartum steal your beautiful slim abuse there was a survey of ten errors and found parts of the country over the age of 40 anti-hepatitis A virus antibodies in human serum immunoglobulin-positive rate was 80%, which Tip us on many of these people in the past have had hepatitis A virus infection, because of this antibody in the blood longer duration, but also has a protective effect on the human body, so the body will be infected with hepatitis A virus immunity, to avoid further contact with the general incidence of hepatitis A virus.

However, HAV is found in intestinal re-infection, detoxification can last 3 months. If the formation of antigen-antibody complex from the stool in the detoxification of time will be longer. This local infection of intestinal mucosal surface only lead to one kind of secretory immunoglobulin A (IgA) antibody production, no systemic infection, IgG antibodies remained negative. Thus, if re-infection with acute hepatitis A virus can further disease.

Must know the knowledge of hepatitis

Spring is the season of high incidence of viral hepatitis. We have learned include viral hepatitis A, B, C, D, hepatitis E, respectively A, B, C, D, hepatitis E virus. In addition to research does not rule out there that are not clear and unknown hepatitis virus.
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Summer the most terrible diseases coming!
Addiction to pray with you the key to postpartum weight loss five major vices steal your beautiful Ten Mistakes I thin there is an immunological examination detected hepatitis. But I never had any sense, this result reliable? If credible, did not suffer from hepatitis around me, and how it will be infected? Changchun readers

Spring is the season of high incidence of viral hepatitis. We have already learned include viral hepatitis A, B, C, D and E hepatitis, by A, B, C and D, hepatitis E virus. In addition there are still no studies does not rule out a clear and unknown hepatitis virus.

Today we focus on the hepatitis A and hepatitis E infection.

1, hepatitis A and hepatitis E disease characteristics

China is high incidence of viral hepatitis, hepatitis A prevalence as high as 80% of the population, is infected with hepatitis caused by hepatitis A virus antibodies in persons (anti-HAV positive) accounted for 80% of the population. We may wonder, with so high? This is because hepatitis A infection who are far more than latent infection in patients with acute hepatitis.

Also known as subclinical latent infection is pathogen invades the human body, the body produces a specific immune response, pathogens can be removed, but does not cause or caused only very minor tissue damage, so no clinical symptoms and signs, or even no biochemical Check the change only be found by immunological tests, such as letters from readers mentioned the situation, China's Hepatitis A and Hepatitis E virus infection were prevalent with latent infection. HEV infection rate of about 17% of the population.

We know, B, C, hepatitis D patients with multiple clinical manifestations of chronic infection, and A, compared with acute hepatitis E infection, generally do not become chronic. A and hepatitis E virus carrier state has not, it is also different from, B, C, D hepatitis.

Latent infection the virus to carry and how different? Carriers not immune response onset and no rejection, can not clear the pathogen, but the discharge of pathogens from the body (ie latency to carry, rather than the dominant recovery after infection carry), So contagious, as the source of infection.

A and hepatitis E infection source is infected with hepatitis and hidden, while B, C, hepatitis D source of infection including the virus.

A and hepatitis E through the gastrointestinal tract by fecal - oral transmission. Is usually referred to the general public "in the outside eating infected", is different from B, C, hepatitis D is through blood and body fluid other than the way other gastrointestinal spread.

A and hepatitis E virus enters the body orally, by the intestine into the bloodstream, causing a brief viremia, after re-entering the liver cells, and in which the copy, a small amount of virus into the blood, most of the bile into the intestine and then excreted with the feces.

Or latent infection in patients with faecal contamination of drinking water, food, vegetables, appliances, toys, etc., can cause A and hepatitis E epidemic. In particular, water, food contamination outbreak may occur.

By the end of 1987 to March 1988, the Shanghai people eat contaminated cooked Blood Clam without causing the largest one since the founding of the pandemic of hepatitis, 4 months, 31 million disease. 1986 to 1988, the southern region of Xinjiang in China due to faecal pollution of water sources, has two hepatitis E outbreak occurred, there were 119,000 cases, up to 18 months duration.

Susceptible population is hepatitis A hepatitis A antibody negative. As the universal human susceptibility to hepatitis A virus, so most of our people were infected at an early age, mainly to latent infection, dominant hepatitis patients also more common in children and adolescents. The dominant hepatitis E infection primarily for adults.

2, hepatitis A and hepatitis E in which the clinical manifestations

The incubation period of hepatitis A is about 4 weeks, HEV was 6 weeks. Are acute onset, jaundice and jaundice-free distinction. In fact not much higher than the incidence of jaundice jaundice, or about 50% of the total cases to 90%. As no jaundice symptoms are mild jaundice, onset is also slower and recovery faster and often overlooked, so it is more common hepatitis jaundice.

A, clinical manifestations of hepatitis E is similar to early may have chills, fever, fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, tired of oil food, abdominal distension, diarrhea, liver pain, dark urine and other symptoms, easily misdiagnosed as respiratory tract infection or gastroenteritis.

By the way, these symptoms of acute hepatitis found in chronic active hepatitis, but in general a little light in the non-active or even asymptomatic. Often asymptomatic patients with chronic hepatitis alone on their own that "nothing", refuses to be examined, is wrong.

Because symptoms of acute hepatitis, it is more timely medical treatment. Patients until the time of the skin, sclera ("supercilious jen") appears yellow dye, the general heat withdrawal, relieve symptoms. But the urine can be further deepened, due to bile salt stimulation may have itchy skin. Some patients may appear gray short stool. At this time patients may have hepatosplenomegaly, tenderness and other signs of liver area. Ultrasound also change accordingly. Check liver function tests, alanine aminotransferase (ALT) significantly increased, ALT is the function of liver cells in most commonly used biochemical indicators.

The total clinical course of hepatitis A 2 to 4 months, severe hepatitis is rare, but infants suffering from hepatitis often heavier, can develop acute severe hepatitis. Hepatitis E and hepatitis A symptoms compared to slightly heavier and longer course of disease, particularly the extent and duration of jaundice is often more significant than that of hepatitis. The elderly more common in acute hepatitis to hepatitis E and jaundice and more; late pregnant women suffer from hepatitis E when severe illness, postpartum hemorrhage more common, vulnerable to liver failure and mortality can be as high as 30% or more; chronic hepatitis B infection in patients with overlap E When liver disease is also heavier, high mortality. But most of the good prognosis of hepatitis E, the general course of no more than 6 months.

Hepatitis A and hepatitis E diagnosis is relatively straightforward, based on epidemiological history, exposure history and symptoms, signs and laboratory diagnosis can be made. Etiology of viral hepatitis by checking to distinguish which type of infection; rely mainly on clinical immunology, infectious hepatitis A or hepatitis E virus, the early body will produce anti-HAVIgM respectively, or anti HEVIgM antibodies, which are recent signs of infection , acute phase and disappeared. Hepatitis A antibodies in the recovery period the production of anti HAVIgG it sustainable for years or for life, the protection of antibody, usually no longer infectious HAV. The hepatitis E IgG antibodies in the acute stage to reach high levels of recovery decreased significantly, more than 6 to 12 months away, unprotected sex.

Third, hepatitis A and hepatitis E in the prevention and treatment

The clinical course of hepatitis and HEV generally good, mostly self-limiting is not special treatment, a period of time can also be self-healing, full recovery. But the extra attention to special populations.

Acute phase should be isolated, symptoms and patients and jaundice, liver function changes significantly should bed rest, recovery activities can gradually increase the amount of normal liver function 1 to resume work after 3 months.

Diet should be light and easily digestible food selection, appropriate vitamin supplements, protein intake should be sufficient. Can also be added as appropriate, through intravenous glucose and other nutrients.

Drug treatment aimed at elimination of symptoms and liver function, not too much should not increase the burden of the liver, usually without antiviral drugs. The treatment of severe hepatitis patients was more complex.

A, is the prevention of hepatitis E from control Source of infection, cut off the transmission and protection of the vulnerable populations of several aspects. Isolation of infected patients on treatment, environmental sanitation and hygiene, enhance manure and water management, good food hygiene and tableware disinfection, do not drink unboiled water, do not eat undercooked seafood, meat and eggs foods, to prevent " start with the mouth. " Attention to exercise and strengthen resistance to disease.

The most effective preventive measure is still the vaccination, anti-HAVIgG negative, can be inoculated with hepatitis A vaccine, mainly for infants, children and other high risk groups of infants less than 6 months without vaccination, carried from their mother's antibodies. Immunity after vaccination for at least 5 years. Hepatitis E is no vaccine.

We can see a kind of infectious diseases is one of the standard of living, health habits and level of education and other factors closely related. Therefore, a fundamental control of infectious diseases but also on overall national strength.

Be careful of hepatitis A in spring

Hepatitis A (referred to as hepatitis) from hepatitis A virus (HAV) induced, highly infectious, and suffer from a high proportion of young adult, in the event of a pandemic, and this will pose a huge threat to social groups.
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Summer the most terrible diseases coming!
Addiction to pray with you 5 major key to weight loss postpartum steal your beautiful slim abuse exists Ten Mistakes in early 1988, a small hair clam brought a 340,000 volume of Shanghai into a "hepatitis A hurricane," the whirlpool. For a time, schools, factories shutdown, shops closed down. It is reported that the "hurricane" caused a huge loss of more than 30 billion yuan.

The incidence of hepatitis A in China in spring and autumn general, susceptible people infected with hepatitis A virus in 15 to 40 days (average 28 days) of the incubation period can be symptoms. As in the accumulation of susceptible population, cause every 3 to 5 years or 6 to 7 years there will be a hepatitis epidemic may peak.

Hepatitis A virus in patients 2 to 3 weeks before the onset began discharged from the stool, and is contagious; jaundice appears, reached a peak and then rapidly decline and disappear. The disease through contaminated hands, water, food, utensils and other oral infections, with daily contact with the main mode of transmission, but also through contaminated water and food-borne outbreak; also be spread through blood, can also be passed between homosexuality of anal sexual contact. In hepatitis A endemic areas, prevention efforts to cut off the main route of transmission principle. Isolation of patients, duration of not less than 30 days; suspected patients and close contacts with patients to medical observation from 4 to 6 weeks.

Hepatitis mainly through fecal - oral transmission, so we have to develop good personal hygiene, enhance food stalls (shops) of the health supervision and management of waste should also strengthen the management of patients, while manage water, waste, eliminating four pests. Protection of vulnerable populations, that is in close contact with the patient's children, pregnant women and old people, the implementation of intramuscular injection of gamma globulin, a dose of 0.02 ~ 0.05ml/kg body weight, 1 ml pre-school children can also, school-age children 2 milliliters, adult 3 mL implementation. injections of gamma globulin to be the sooner the better, generally no more than 7 to 14 days after contact. but this is a passive immunization, effective prevention of only 1 month, if necessary, repeat the injection. Hepatitis A vaccine into clinical success and overall, the prevention of hepatitis A has played a very important role.

Which age group most vulnerable to hepatitis A

Those who are not infected with hepatitis A virus, whether children or adults are susceptible.
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Summer the most terrible diseases coming!
Addiction to pray with you 5 major key habits to lose weight postpartum steal your beautiful slim Ten Mistakes presence of hepatitis virus infection and because the socio-economic status and personal hygiene are closely related, so in China, 15 children and adolescents under the age of the most vulnerable suffering from hepatitis, because the disease, was a long-lasting immunity, to adulthood, suffering from hepatitis A are reduced, fewer elderly people.

Hepatitis A generally good prognosis, easy recovery, is a self-limiting disease. In nurseries and kindergartens, the infected children developed clinical symptoms of hepatitis A were small, occurred fulminant hepatic failure were less embolism. Recalling the World data show that the clinical symptoms of jaundice and mortality increased with age, children less than young adults, more than the elderly.

At present, most scholars believe that a small number of cases of hepatitis A can occur despite the clinical, biochemical indications of persistent recurrence, and pathology of the chronic, but not a chronic liver disease. Only 6 months of hepatitis occur within the infants who had serious condition, the death rate was significantly higher than older children.

It has been reported within six months of age hospitalized hepatitis A hepatitis A in children accounting for 70% of heavy mortality of about 50%; other elderly (60 years) of hepatitis patients with severe and complications are more dead rate of 10%, but the young and old, from cirrhosis caused by hepatitis A very rare.

Half of the heart disease patients with hepatitis

As a special population, viral hepatitis in life to face various kinds of pressure, depression and anxiety so prevalent negative moods tend to. Doctors in the treatment of physical disease, it should also pay attention to improving the patient's negative emotions, timely and targeted psychological intervention, which will help patients to return to the body.
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Summer the most terrible diseases coming!
Addiction how big you are to pray five key habits to lose weight postpartum steal your beautiful slim Ten Mistakes liver area there is not necessarily due to liver disease

In recent years, people gradually realized there was a high proportion of patients with liver disease of depression or anxiety symptoms. Patients usually presented depression, fatigue, sleep disorders, depression, anxiety, lack of concentration, pessimistic, or multiple body parts do not locate a particular time to time to pain (liver area pain common), constipation, loss of appetite accompanied by Fu Teng and diarrhea. The major causes of these symptoms occur:

1. Disease pressure. Especially in patients with chronic hepatitis B, liver delayed healing, long-term injections and medicine, very low mood.

2. Fear of the disease. After that he was hepatitis patients, fearing cancer, liver cirrhosis. Panic fear, then into a long depression.

3. Hepatitis B discrimination due to social pressure.

4. Interferon side effects. On the one hand, physical disease greatly affects the mental health status, on the other hand, serious emotional disturbances of patients with hepatitis, block improvement.

Serious mental illness of hepatitis B virus carriers

"Do you often feel depressed? Do you often feel fatigue, anorexia, liver does not it? You may feel these are symptoms caused by hepatitis B, but I have to tell you that, according to the treatment of liver disease nearly 40 years of lessons learned and Clinical study results showed that although some of your symptoms and liver disease can not be said absolutely nothing to do, but these symptoms may not cause liver disease, and mental problems may be due to depression. "

Recently, Cheng Department of Gastroenterology, Affiliated Hospital of Professor Chen Yulong freshman in the "coexistence" website to "depression, fatigue, anorexia, liver discomfort Come" was published in this post led to depression of liver cirrhosis with the discussion In less than two months, more than 3,000 patients with hepatitis B automatic thread, tell heart distress.

I then use the self-rated depression scale (SDS) and self-rated anxiety scale (SAS) of 72 outpatients and hospitalized patients with hepatitis psychological measurement, found that 1 / 3 of liver disease patients with mild to moderate depression (24 case), half of which combined with anxiety, and carriers of hepatitis B virus symptoms of depression and anxiety than non carriers.

In this regard, Professor Chen Yulong together with the author's analysis and interpretation of the following: From the clinical point of view, the symptoms caused by liver disease is very limited, so there were many patients until the development of cirrhosis, liver cancer have been no notice. The depression caused by depression, fatigue, anorexia, pain or discomfort is a common phenomenon even world-weary. In real life, most hepatitis B virus carriers felt depressed, 80% of the hepatitis B virus carriers with depressive tendencies. Network will undoubtedly allow them to find a good outlet port, similar experiences are also easily allow them to resonate. Strong sense of belonging Gengrang comrade-like feelings that the consolidation, only in the network that they will boldly speak their mind, exposing their emotional disorders. Network on their psychological therapy has played a positive role in the regulation.

Depression as common as a cold

Many patients with liver diseases in general lack of awareness of depression and, in fact, depression is the highest incidence of human diseases. Along with social development, accelerate the pace of life, employment pressure in recent years, hepatitis B virus carriers in China quite frequently reported suicides. The suicide of disease and the pressure of academic work, particularly in patients with hepatitis B is a major stress factor can not be free, so for hepatitis B patients, especially in hepatitis B virus carriers have to do mental and physical illness resynchronization therapy to reduce the tragedy occurred.

In general, for mild depression or anxiety disorder, primary disease in the active treatment, while appropriate psychological treatment can reduce the psychological stress of patients, improve symptoms, reduce or even without antidepressant medication. For example:

1. On the initial onset of the disease to supportive psychotherapy in order to eliminate stress factors: advise patients to take as they come on the disease of the approach is safe, do not worry too much for fear of not only the disease's recovery useless, but harmful.

2. On the old patient hospitalized again and again in the implementation of cognitive therapy: to enable patients to correctly understand the law and hepatitis can be cured of the disease, explain in detail the process of disease and precautions to restore, to correct some misconceptions of patients to help them establish the beat disease, confidence and courage.

3. To the knowledge of higher-level cadres and professionals with Professor Yang Desen, Pioneer's "Taoist cognitive therapy" for psychological treatment: a way to chat, timely import "benefits without harm, to not fight, less personal desires, contented to know only, knowledge and Office, the dealt with gently, passive inaction, comes naturally, "the Taoist Philosophy, and guide to lower the patient's desire for fame, not arrange too much work, contentment, not rash, for the most good treatment.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Remember: Six patients with liver disease contraindications

Hepatitis B patients in addition to periodic review, the correct drug treatment, life should pay special attention not to violate some taboos. Were careless in their daily lives, do not attach importance to self-care, pay no attention to taboo, it will lead to rapid deterioration of the disease. Here are some taboos hepatitis B patients:

(1) taboo overeating, especially too much meat and sugar. Meat and sugar too much, make the extra protein and carbohydrates into fat and stored, in which the liver is an important storage point, constant, daily, body fat, will inevitably result in fatty liver, liver burden to the sick, to promote hepatitis B worse. Hepatitis B patients with the best arrangements for a variety of balanced diet, especially to self-control weight, Eat less animal fat, fried foods, bacon, whole milk. First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University, Department of Infectious Diseases Yuzu Jiang

(2) taboos alcohol. The main components of wine ethanol, ethanol in the liver can be transformed into aldehydes, which have a direct damage to liver function, could degeneration and necrosis of liver cells. Hepatitis B patients have damage to their liver cells, coupled with drinking more is worse, to promote exacerbations, the direction of evolution to cirrhosis or liver cancer. Hepatitis B patients with alcohol, drinking is unconditional, liquor, beer are taboo within.

(3) excessive physical and mental taboo. Overwork consume large amounts of nutrients and oxygen, resulting in significant reduction in hepatic energy supply, reduce liver disease resistance will lead to the rapid spread of hepatitis B virus. Hepatitis B patients with stable disease, the advocates adequate exercise, adequate rest, work and rest, and called a good sport to master the "degree", activities not feel fatigue, nausea, back pain prevail. Be living there often, patterns of life, Do not break good habits. Wave of illness, the best bed rest and resting recovery.

(4) taboo anger, depression. Traditional Chinese Medicine that "the liver of General and officials," likes the Shunda. Long-term depression anger can lead to liver qi stagnation, caused by physiological dysfunction. Modern research shows that: make people angry shortness of breath, sharp increase in blood red cell count, blood coagulation speed than normal, tachycardia, so that not only hamper the health of the cardiovascular system, also affect liver health. Some statistics: the possibility of angry people with coronary heart disease 6 times higher than the average person, the possibility of suffering from liver disease is 8 times more than most people. Therefore, patients with hepatitis B must remain open-minded, optimistic mood, so as to alleviate pain, promote enhanced immune function and eventually overcome the disease.

(5) Tabu Excessive indulgence. Over-indulgence, a long excited state caused by cerebral cortex, not only to speed up blood circulation, shortness of breath, muscle tension, and wound consumption strength, damage liver and kidney, produce such as fatigue, backache petrified, loss of appetite, dizziness, tinnitus, insomnia and amnesia and other symptoms . The foundation had poor liver function in patients with hepatitis B, the indulgence is undoubtedly a killer. Therefore, chronic hepatitis virus is unstable, we must ban sexual intercourse; in a virus carrier state or disease in patients with stable periods should also be actively controlling the frequency of life.

(6) contraindications to abuse drugs, especially herbs. Liver is the major metabolic organ, many drugs must be decomposed in the liver, conversion, detoxification. Indiscriminate use of drugs will increase the burden on the liver metabolism. In addition, the complexity of various Chinese and Western drug ingredients, drug chemistry between the liver damage is likely to lead to increased. With long-term use of drugs themselves also have certain side effects, will eventually produce, such as fatty liver, drug-induced liver fibrosis and even cirrhosis of the serious situation developing. Hepatitis B medication principle is: be concise, to safe and effective prevail. Treatment should be to the regular hospital, medication under the guidance of a certain standard in a specialist drug. All kinds of advertising, "free clinic" should be treated calmly.

Chinese Liver esteem "movement both"

● Viral hepatitis is caused by a virus, according to their different virus types are divided into A, B, C and D, E and G are six types. Hepatitis can cause liver cell swelling, is the world's spread widely, causing great harm infectious diseases.

● the need for the treatment of chronic hepatitis patient

Viral hepatitis is caused by a variety of hepatitis virus to liver inflammation and necrosis of lesion-based infectious disease, mainly through the feces, mouth, blood or body fluids. The clinical manifestations of this disease more complex, in addition to generalized weakness, loss of appetite, nausea, bloating, pain in the liver and liver function abnormalities, but some cases may also occur hepatosplenomegaly and jaundice and other symptoms. Whether it is Chinese or Western medicine treatment of hepatitis, must be patient.

TCM believes that no single treatment of hepatitis side effects, some may take a long time medication, and medication adjustment at any time subject to conditions. In fact, as long as the guidance from the Chinese medicine medication to regulate immune and improve the pathological changes of the liver, chronic hepatitis can also achieve the desired result.

Liver system in accordance with Chinese understanding of "anger liver injury" can be said that Chinese medicine point of view more particularly recommended in patients with liver disease should not ice water, because ice cream moisture will accumulate in the body, causing chronic wet cold body, of the liver's health. In addition, patients should light diet and avoid excessive consumption of animal fats and cholesterol, such as fat, eat less salt products and contain artificial flavors, chemical food additives things, because of its toxin is a burden on the liver . Avoid eating moldy food, so as to avoid aflatoxin risk of causing liver cancer occurrence. Any alcoholic liver metabolism have to go through the process of alcohol on the liver injury is the most direct.

Time to develop chronic hepatitis quantitative intake of proper diet, eat more green vegetables and fruits, in order to maintain the smooth flow of stool, reducing the burden on the liver there is a big help. The key is that patients with chronic hepatitis, the best regular follow-up every six months to a year of liver function and liver of a B-ultrasound, and specialist guidance should be subject to patient medication should not be styled, which leads to counterproductive results.

● three daily reminder Liver

First. Liver diet.

Liver diet are two important points: First, enough food for optimal nutrition to meet the physical needs of the liver; Second, pay attention to food hygiene, to prevent bacteria, viruses, invade the liver.

The human body needs protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals and other nutrients in five categories, it is also necessary for the liver. However, liver protein, carbohydrate and vitamin needs more, and excess fat have caused the risk of fatty liver, should be properly restricted. To this end, proposed the following details of the diet throughout the day: milk, eggs, fish, lean meat, soy products such as food, daily meal rotation arrangements for the liver to provide enough high quality protein. Appropriate consumption of glucose, sucrose, honey, fruit juice and other easily digestible simple sugars and the two-carbohydrate food, to increase the glycogen reserves. Yeast rich in B vitamins, not cold. Another hawthorn, green tea, Chinese Wolfberry.

Eat nuts liver Qi, relieve anxiety. A pale yellow, sleep well and so insufficient liver symptoms people might eat once a week, poultry liver, in order to receive the "liver Liver" effect. Not eat all the spicy and pungent alcohol and food, and dry hard to avoid eating fried food. Also, drink plenty of water can increase blood circulation, improve liver cell viability, is conducive to rule out metabolic waste received hepatoprotective effect.

Second, sports Liver.

Active exercise is another effective way of protecting liver, as excessive exercise can reduce weight, prevent obesity, remove excess fat on the liver damage, but also to promote gas exchange, accelerate blood circulation, protect the liver can get more oxygen and nutrients.

From the Liver point of view, a campaign to choose the right venue to venue broad, wide vision, where fresh air is better; 2 to choose a good exercise program, strength and endurance to exercise for the goal of systemic low-intensity dynamic exercise is good such as jogging, fast walking (about 110-120 steps per minute), cycling, playing badminton, shuttlecock, racket ball, dancing, rope skipping, swimming, tai chi and so on.

Third, sleep Liver.

Sleep, the body is at rest, the liver burden lightest, high-quality sleep Liver and significant effect. The poor quality of sleep, particularly sleep disorders involving liver function easily.

Medical experts have noted, called sleep apnea syndrome, sleep disorders can cause liver damage. Medical information, with severe sleep apnea were about 32% had abnormal liver function, liver damage and the severity of apnea proportional. Further studies found that liver damage and hypoxia caused by sleep apnea and insulin resistance.

To improve quality of sleep, sleep disorders first active treatment. Second, evening wear and tear will not engage in intellectual work too, do not stay up late, the reason some people a bad liver, often stays up late and stay up late to blame.

TCM believes that the day's most important hour of sleep for two, one noon (11 am to 1 pm), one hour of midnight (23:00 to 1:00), which is 4 hours bone marrow time, blood flow through the liver the most beneficial to liver function restoration.

Alarm signals from the mouth cirrhosis

Patients with chronic hepatitis for years, such as the lips, oral buccal mucosa lost its former bright, showing dark color, it may indicate that liver cirrhosis is its approximation; mouth suddenly caries, dental caries or existing mild condition the rapid development of liver disease is bad omen; there periodontitis, alveolar abscess overflow, although not improve after repeated treatment and gradually increased, it means that liver disease in progress. As liver cirrhosis B obviously insufficient vitamin can also cause glossitis, tongue atrophy, bleeding gums, bad breath, abnormal oral lesions such as parotid swelling.

Regardless of what type of liver disease, once the above changes in oral, examination and treatment must go to the hospital in time.


Compensated liver function in people through the situation, can determine the severity and prognosis of liver cirrhosis. Decompensated cirrhosis of the liver function was normal or nearly normal, the body can maintain normal metabolic activity; decompensated cirrhosis of the liver function was diminished, the body can not maintain normal metabolic activity, and jaundice, ascites, low serum protein disease, hepatic coma.

Deterioration of the signal cirrhosis

Some of the symptoms in patients with cirrhosis, decompensated liver function are often a reflection of a mirror or not. For example, patients with chronic liver disease, if they feel sleepy fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, abdominal distension, dark urine, swelling, etc., is the deterioration of liver function signal, should be timely medical treatment, early diagnosis and early treatment to prevent the further development of illness, hospital treatment if necessary . Involving all aspects of decompensation, to improve liver function, only in the specialist under the careful treatment in order to obtain a comprehensive and integrated treatment. However, the improvement of liver function is not an easy thing, even physicians sometimes need to pay a high human and material resources in order to reverse the situation. Of course, there are the losers. Overall improvement in liver function, often take several weeks, months or even years time, the deterioration of liver function, but can occur in Danxizhijian. Exacerbated by incentives, and fatigue, alcohol, infection, bleeding related to these incentives as long as the physician's guidance, pay attention to the daily life of conditioning, and some can be avoided.

The most common complications: Esophageal variceal bleeding

Cirrhosis the most dangerous, the most common complication is portal hypertension caused by esophageal varices. At risk of liver cirrhosis patients, nearly half was due to bleeding caused by esophageal varices. So to prevent esophageal variceal bleeding, prevention of complications in a prominent position. Drugs to prevent bleeding, there is propranolol, tetrandrine, prazosin, nifedipine, nitroglycerin, etc., alone or the two drugs, the specific choice of drugs and doses, treatment should be the physician under the guidance of. Patients have been bleeding, in addition to drugs to prevent re-bleeding, it can also apply sclerotherapy, surgery, surgical disconnection of these need be performed by experienced physicians to implement.

Serious complications: liver cancer

Another serious complication of liver cirrhosis is the primary liver cancer. Most liver cancer is based on the occurrence of liver cirrhosis. Because liver cancer is the result of various factors, pathogenesis are complex, so for primary prevention difficult. However, early detection, early diagnosis and early surgical resection of secondary prevention, as long as the patient with the good, is entirely feasible. Hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus, cirrhosis caused by alcohol, etc., have the potential risk of liver cancer. These patients with high risk groups should be conducted every six months fetoprotein and serum B-mode ultrasound can be early detection of small liver cancer or small liver cancer. Once diagnosed, immediate surgery to cure the liver cancer in the bud, this is the best prevention and treatment of liver cancer, must not be taken lightly.

Work, about life

Any chronic liver disease, once diagnosed with cirrhosis, can not be taken lightly, it can not be scared of. Excessive feelings of depression and mental stress, weaken their immune system is not conducive to the recovery of the disease, but easy to increase the disease. Daily life regularly. Compensated liver function in early as well, such as serum albumin 40 g / l, you can work as usual, but it should work and rest, should not overworked; can do little exercise activity, such as tai chi and the like movement, rhythmic deep breathing to promote the liver's blood circulation, improve liver blood circulation, to facilitate the repair of liver disease.

The resting of patients with advanced liver cirrhosis, absolute alcohol, salt diet should light, soft and easy to digest, and nutrition to enrich. With the amount of animal protein to restore favorable to disease, the absolute prohibition of Meat eater is wrong. Only patients with severe hepatic coma hepatic coma orientation or those that have occurred in the short term ban on eating Meat eater is necessary at this time should be a source of soy protein supplement, avoid eating hard or rough foods with a bone spur, and acidic beverages, spices so as to reduce the food on esophageal mucosal injury. Should maintain a smooth stool, the stool dry and hard, it can take honey (milk) and other products, not hard stool, or doing heavy physical work, otherwise it will create a sudden increase in portal pressure, caused by esophageal variceal bleeding. Immunocompromised patients with cirrhosis, said his "weak, without the wind" is not over, once the infection, fever, enough to exacerbations and should be actively prevent infection.

Be pointed out that the drug must be appropriate in patients with cirrhosis. Any liver metabolism of drugs and subject to processing, miscellaneous drugs indiscriminately, may increase the burden on the liver, and even lead to drug induced liver disease. Therefore, the medicine may or may not do as much as possible, need the medicine, should be concise, targeted stronger. Thus we conclude the principles of drug therapy with liver cirrhosis: no medication, less medication, or with the necessary medicine!