Friday, July 23, 2010

Be careful of hepatitis A in spring

Hepatitis A (referred to as hepatitis) from hepatitis A virus (HAV) induced, highly infectious, and suffer from a high proportion of young adult, in the event of a pandemic, and this will pose a huge threat to social groups.
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The incidence of hepatitis A in China in spring and autumn general, susceptible people infected with hepatitis A virus in 15 to 40 days (average 28 days) of the incubation period can be symptoms. As in the accumulation of susceptible population, cause every 3 to 5 years or 6 to 7 years there will be a hepatitis epidemic may peak.

Hepatitis A virus in patients 2 to 3 weeks before the onset began discharged from the stool, and is contagious; jaundice appears, reached a peak and then rapidly decline and disappear. The disease through contaminated hands, water, food, utensils and other oral infections, with daily contact with the main mode of transmission, but also through contaminated water and food-borne outbreak; also be spread through blood, can also be passed between homosexuality of anal sexual contact. In hepatitis A endemic areas, prevention efforts to cut off the main route of transmission principle. Isolation of patients, duration of not less than 30 days; suspected patients and close contacts with patients to medical observation from 4 to 6 weeks.

Hepatitis mainly through fecal - oral transmission, so we have to develop good personal hygiene, enhance food stalls (shops) of the health supervision and management of waste should also strengthen the management of patients, while manage water, waste, eliminating four pests. Protection of vulnerable populations, that is in close contact with the patient's children, pregnant women and old people, the implementation of intramuscular injection of gamma globulin, a dose of 0.02 ~ 0.05ml/kg body weight, 1 ml pre-school children can also, school-age children 2 milliliters, adult 3 mL implementation. injections of gamma globulin to be the sooner the better, generally no more than 7 to 14 days after contact. but this is a passive immunization, effective prevention of only 1 month, if necessary, repeat the injection. Hepatitis A vaccine into clinical success and overall, the prevention of hepatitis A has played a very important role.

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