Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Alarm signals from the mouth cirrhosis

Patients with chronic hepatitis for years, such as the lips, oral buccal mucosa lost its former bright, showing dark color, it may indicate that liver cirrhosis is its approximation; mouth suddenly caries, dental caries or existing mild condition the rapid development of liver disease is bad omen; there periodontitis, alveolar abscess overflow, although not improve after repeated treatment and gradually increased, it means that liver disease in progress. As liver cirrhosis B obviously insufficient vitamin can also cause glossitis, tongue atrophy, bleeding gums, bad breath, abnormal oral lesions such as parotid swelling.

Regardless of what type of liver disease, once the above changes in oral, examination and treatment must go to the hospital in time.


Compensated liver function in people through the situation, can determine the severity and prognosis of liver cirrhosis. Decompensated cirrhosis of the liver function was normal or nearly normal, the body can maintain normal metabolic activity; decompensated cirrhosis of the liver function was diminished, the body can not maintain normal metabolic activity, and jaundice, ascites, low serum protein disease, hepatic coma.

Deterioration of the signal cirrhosis

Some of the symptoms in patients with cirrhosis, decompensated liver function are often a reflection of a mirror or not. For example, patients with chronic liver disease, if they feel sleepy fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, abdominal distension, dark urine, swelling, etc., is the deterioration of liver function signal, should be timely medical treatment, early diagnosis and early treatment to prevent the further development of illness, hospital treatment if necessary . Involving all aspects of decompensation, to improve liver function, only in the specialist under the careful treatment in order to obtain a comprehensive and integrated treatment. However, the improvement of liver function is not an easy thing, even physicians sometimes need to pay a high human and material resources in order to reverse the situation. Of course, there are the losers. Overall improvement in liver function, often take several weeks, months or even years time, the deterioration of liver function, but can occur in Danxizhijian. Exacerbated by incentives, and fatigue, alcohol, infection, bleeding related to these incentives as long as the physician's guidance, pay attention to the daily life of conditioning, and some can be avoided.

The most common complications: Esophageal variceal bleeding

Cirrhosis the most dangerous, the most common complication is portal hypertension caused by esophageal varices. At risk of liver cirrhosis patients, nearly half was due to bleeding caused by esophageal varices. So to prevent esophageal variceal bleeding, prevention of complications in a prominent position. Drugs to prevent bleeding, there is propranolol, tetrandrine, prazosin, nifedipine, nitroglycerin, etc., alone or the two drugs, the specific choice of drugs and doses, treatment should be the physician under the guidance of. Patients have been bleeding, in addition to drugs to prevent re-bleeding, it can also apply sclerotherapy, surgery, surgical disconnection of these need be performed by experienced physicians to implement.

Serious complications: liver cancer

Another serious complication of liver cirrhosis is the primary liver cancer. Most liver cancer is based on the occurrence of liver cirrhosis. Because liver cancer is the result of various factors, pathogenesis are complex, so for primary prevention difficult. However, early detection, early diagnosis and early surgical resection of secondary prevention, as long as the patient with the good, is entirely feasible. Hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus, cirrhosis caused by alcohol, etc., have the potential risk of liver cancer. These patients with high risk groups should be conducted every six months fetoprotein and serum B-mode ultrasound can be early detection of small liver cancer or small liver cancer. Once diagnosed, immediate surgery to cure the liver cancer in the bud, this is the best prevention and treatment of liver cancer, must not be taken lightly.

Work, about life

Any chronic liver disease, once diagnosed with cirrhosis, can not be taken lightly, it can not be scared of. Excessive feelings of depression and mental stress, weaken their immune system is not conducive to the recovery of the disease, but easy to increase the disease. Daily life regularly. Compensated liver function in early as well, such as serum albumin 40 g / l, you can work as usual, but it should work and rest, should not overworked; can do little exercise activity, such as tai chi and the like movement, rhythmic deep breathing to promote the liver's blood circulation, improve liver blood circulation, to facilitate the repair of liver disease.

The resting of patients with advanced liver cirrhosis, absolute alcohol, salt diet should light, soft and easy to digest, and nutrition to enrich. With the amount of animal protein to restore favorable to disease, the absolute prohibition of Meat eater is wrong. Only patients with severe hepatic coma hepatic coma orientation or those that have occurred in the short term ban on eating Meat eater is necessary at this time should be a source of soy protein supplement, avoid eating hard or rough foods with a bone spur, and acidic beverages, spices so as to reduce the food on esophageal mucosal injury. Should maintain a smooth stool, the stool dry and hard, it can take honey (milk) and other products, not hard stool, or doing heavy physical work, otherwise it will create a sudden increase in portal pressure, caused by esophageal variceal bleeding. Immunocompromised patients with cirrhosis, said his "weak, without the wind" is not over, once the infection, fever, enough to exacerbations and should be actively prevent infection.

Be pointed out that the drug must be appropriate in patients with cirrhosis. Any liver metabolism of drugs and subject to processing, miscellaneous drugs indiscriminately, may increase the burden on the liver, and even lead to drug induced liver disease. Therefore, the medicine may or may not do as much as possible, need the medicine, should be concise, targeted stronger. Thus we conclude the principles of drug therapy with liver cirrhosis: no medication, less medication, or with the necessary medicine!

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