Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Chinese Liver esteem "movement both"

● Viral hepatitis is caused by a virus, according to their different virus types are divided into A, B, C and D, E and G are six types. Hepatitis can cause liver cell swelling, is the world's spread widely, causing great harm infectious diseases.

● the need for the treatment of chronic hepatitis patient

Viral hepatitis is caused by a variety of hepatitis virus to liver inflammation and necrosis of lesion-based infectious disease, mainly through the feces, mouth, blood or body fluids. The clinical manifestations of this disease more complex, in addition to generalized weakness, loss of appetite, nausea, bloating, pain in the liver and liver function abnormalities, but some cases may also occur hepatosplenomegaly and jaundice and other symptoms. Whether it is Chinese or Western medicine treatment of hepatitis, must be patient.

TCM believes that no single treatment of hepatitis side effects, some may take a long time medication, and medication adjustment at any time subject to conditions. In fact, as long as the guidance from the Chinese medicine medication to regulate immune and improve the pathological changes of the liver, chronic hepatitis can also achieve the desired result.

Liver system in accordance with Chinese understanding of "anger liver injury" can be said that Chinese medicine point of view more particularly recommended in patients with liver disease should not ice water, because ice cream moisture will accumulate in the body, causing chronic wet cold body, of the liver's health. In addition, patients should light diet and avoid excessive consumption of animal fats and cholesterol, such as fat, eat less salt products and contain artificial flavors, chemical food additives things, because of its toxin is a burden on the liver . Avoid eating moldy food, so as to avoid aflatoxin risk of causing liver cancer occurrence. Any alcoholic liver metabolism have to go through the process of alcohol on the liver injury is the most direct.

Time to develop chronic hepatitis quantitative intake of proper diet, eat more green vegetables and fruits, in order to maintain the smooth flow of stool, reducing the burden on the liver there is a big help. The key is that patients with chronic hepatitis, the best regular follow-up every six months to a year of liver function and liver of a B-ultrasound, and specialist guidance should be subject to patient medication should not be styled, which leads to counterproductive results.

● three daily reminder Liver

First. Liver diet.

Liver diet are two important points: First, enough food for optimal nutrition to meet the physical needs of the liver; Second, pay attention to food hygiene, to prevent bacteria, viruses, invade the liver.

The human body needs protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals and other nutrients in five categories, it is also necessary for the liver. However, liver protein, carbohydrate and vitamin needs more, and excess fat have caused the risk of fatty liver, should be properly restricted. To this end, proposed the following details of the diet throughout the day: milk, eggs, fish, lean meat, soy products such as food, daily meal rotation arrangements for the liver to provide enough high quality protein. Appropriate consumption of glucose, sucrose, honey, fruit juice and other easily digestible simple sugars and the two-carbohydrate food, to increase the glycogen reserves. Yeast rich in B vitamins, not cold. Another hawthorn, green tea, Chinese Wolfberry.

Eat nuts liver Qi, relieve anxiety. A pale yellow, sleep well and so insufficient liver symptoms people might eat once a week, poultry liver, in order to receive the "liver Liver" effect. Not eat all the spicy and pungent alcohol and food, and dry hard to avoid eating fried food. Also, drink plenty of water can increase blood circulation, improve liver cell viability, is conducive to rule out metabolic waste received hepatoprotective effect.

Second, sports Liver.

Active exercise is another effective way of protecting liver, as excessive exercise can reduce weight, prevent obesity, remove excess fat on the liver damage, but also to promote gas exchange, accelerate blood circulation, protect the liver can get more oxygen and nutrients.

From the Liver point of view, a campaign to choose the right venue to venue broad, wide vision, where fresh air is better; 2 to choose a good exercise program, strength and endurance to exercise for the goal of systemic low-intensity dynamic exercise is good such as jogging, fast walking (about 110-120 steps per minute), cycling, playing badminton, shuttlecock, racket ball, dancing, rope skipping, swimming, tai chi and so on.

Third, sleep Liver.

Sleep, the body is at rest, the liver burden lightest, high-quality sleep Liver and significant effect. The poor quality of sleep, particularly sleep disorders involving liver function easily.

Medical experts have noted, called sleep apnea syndrome, sleep disorders can cause liver damage. Medical information, with severe sleep apnea were about 32% had abnormal liver function, liver damage and the severity of apnea proportional. Further studies found that liver damage and hypoxia caused by sleep apnea and insulin resistance.

To improve quality of sleep, sleep disorders first active treatment. Second, evening wear and tear will not engage in intellectual work too, do not stay up late, the reason some people a bad liver, often stays up late and stay up late to blame.

TCM believes that the day's most important hour of sleep for two, one noon (11 am to 1 pm), one hour of midnight (23:00 to 1:00), which is 4 hours bone marrow time, blood flow through the liver the most beneficial to liver function restoration.

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