Friday, July 23, 2010

Green can lead to hepatitis

As early as September 2004, the United States, Georgia, North Carolina and Tennessee once had 280 people infected with hepatitis. To the end of October, Pennsylvania, a large-scale outbreak of hepatitis A outbreak. In less than a month time, the state had more than 600 people contracted hepatitis A, and 3 deaths.
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Summer the most terrible diseases coming!
Addiction to pray with you the key to postpartum weight loss five major vices steal your beautiful slim Ten Mistakes existence as early as September 2004, the United States, Georgia, North Carolina and Tennessee, 280 people had already contracted hepatitis. To the end of October, Pennsylvania, a large-scale outbreak of hepatitis A outbreak. In less than a month time, the state had more than 600 people contracted hepatitis A, and 3 deaths.

Face of the sudden outbreak of hepatitis A, United States Centre for Disease Control and Prevention launched an investigation immediately, and will soon be looking at the lock near the city of Pittsburgh, a Mexican restaurant chain on. Reportedly, the state of all hepatitis patients have been to this called "odd-odd home" restaurant meal, but the restaurant's 60 employees also have 10 people contracted hepatitis. In addition, investigators in the epidemic of hepatitis A in Georgia and carried out the survey also found that all patients have eaten foods containing green onions in Mexico. Accordingly, the investigators basically determined that green onions imported from Mexico caused the United States hepatitis A outbreak is the "culprit."

In Mexico, the green is a very popular food ingredients, similar to China's onions. Americans in the mixed salad, with points like raw green onions. In this regard, the United States Pennsylvania State University food expert Professor Laborde, lush planting, food method and layered structure, are to become the best spread of hepatitis virus carriers. Mexican farmers grow green, if using manure or contaminated irrigation water, bacteria may enter the lush layered body. People eat, only to peel it off one layer can be cleaned and fully cooked to kill bacteria.

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