Friday, July 23, 2010

Will you then be too hepatitis?

Hepatitis caused by the hepatitis A virus.
Recommended Reading

Summer the most terrible diseases coming!
Addiction to pray with you 5 major key to weight loss postpartum steal your beautiful slim abuse there was a survey of ten errors and found parts of the country over the age of 40 anti-hepatitis A virus antibodies in human serum immunoglobulin-positive rate was 80%, which Tip us on many of these people in the past have had hepatitis A virus infection, because of this antibody in the blood longer duration, but also has a protective effect on the human body, so the body will be infected with hepatitis A virus immunity, to avoid further contact with the general incidence of hepatitis A virus.

However, HAV is found in intestinal re-infection, detoxification can last 3 months. If the formation of antigen-antibody complex from the stool in the detoxification of time will be longer. This local infection of intestinal mucosal surface only lead to one kind of secretory immunoglobulin A (IgA) antibody production, no systemic infection, IgG antibodies remained negative. Thus, if re-infection with acute hepatitis A virus can further disease.

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